Tuesday, 13 December 2011

In December - there will be so much Joy - so much to celebrate but some tears too....


You might read today or shortly after I post - but maybe come back again - I'll probably add some more....

Nicolas doesn't know this yet ~ but we have had an opportunity to place him in a very specialized class - a brand new program in a school not too far from our home - which will allow him to grow and mature and move forward in ways he would continue to experience extreme challenges with at his present school....

That is not to say they aren't indredible & amazing & that they Couldn't have kept him....

Quite possibly one week from this coming Monday - he will board a school bus for his new class ~ new school & our new approach to this continuing journey - in particular his education ~ however this translates into his everyday success too....

I am so sad - not to say I'm sad about who he is.... we've known him all his life - & he is just the same - although now we know him better & continue to grow with him (& his little sister) that is always a part of the way we parented them....

I am sad - becuase he should be able to stay where he is - "should" - in 2011 ~ in Canada there should be programming and budget reserves for just such a placement - where he could be worked with for at least a full year - to truly see if his entry into primary school could happen in a "Main~Stream" or an "Inclusive" environment....

so we can hope that our decisions allow him to learn more about himself and about how he will be back to his "Home School" or within a setting more like he was introduced....
I will show him our excitement about how "They Invited Him" - how they just knew they had great things designed just for him & that he would be allowed to do so many of the things he truly loves and is good at....
We will celebrate this as the gift that it is -
We will also support him through however he feels the need to transition through this "Big Change" - so we'll just try not to show him that taking this step (isn't truly the way it should be) is an Adventure, one that we hope to keep a record and keep updates on....

We have also agreed to have our daughter Micaela screened with our Region if our Family Doctor & or Paediatrician agree......

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

~Start~From~ *Now*

The Best of Summer 2011

The object of my affection can turn my complexion from white to rosy red....

& he turns 50 in less than 1 week....

With this wonderful man, whom I have loved since I first met him in 1985 ~~ we have shared our lives for ~ 20 years together this past summer - + raised one young man into adulthood (albeit with a map that was completely uncharted),

& with YEARS Worth of memories of being, feeling & living so very "Young & Restless"!;

I am (We are) now raising a new generation - in 2006, early spring & a year to the day that we were married we had our second son (hubby's first biologically) & then our daughter in the summer of 2008.


and then.... we moved - from a suburb to a Town - which is more like a suburban HUB if you will - as our new Town (city really) feeds many surrounding cities/towns & rural communities...

from that move to present - our lives have been on another uncharted course - but this is life - or life's journey for many people....


Let me catch my breath and bring you all into the present day; our times & adventures - just over one year ago - we attended a screening - & I can tell you - it was a real life screening

beyond compare - not a movie but in hindsight - indeed - it is a pivotal moment in "The Story that is our Life Today"...

We were referred to our Regional Early Intervention Services by our son's brand new school - brand new as he had just entered J.K. - but also brand new - as it was the School's second year in operation.  We knew our son had a "Strong-Will" he is Bright - had attended no daycare, nor nursery, nor pre-school programming, early on this ~~ was mostly by choice - then it became apparent later - maybe halfway into his 4th year & certainly from then on - that he might be a "handful" and we were more resistant to placing him until an actual school program.

He had attended gym classes x 3 sessions (approx. 10 classes per) in our new town & we didn't really have hesitations about registering him for soccer - we knew we would - just not sure if it would be the Spring before school or sometime after he started school - & that spring of 2010 is when we really saw things which in hindsight - appeared somewhat "Behavioural" but by halfway through his season - somewhat "Alarming" - he finished the season - missing only a couple of events - due to scheduling for one & apprehension for another - but he finished the season & has "GREAT Memories" thankfully -

& can't wait for us to let him try again (& we will - in time & maybe after a specialized program) - so back on track - before school started (words - too much repetition?) - we set up a Dr.'s appt. - we had already spoken with our *New* Family Dr. about Nick's learning style & then about our concerns - Sensory seemed to be the focus & her advice was school was the best place for him & this would sort itself out from there.... (they were well versed - had exp. with all kinds of children) - but were they ready for our guy!?  "Dynamo"! - a Busy Boy, with a sweet nature and a very sweet smile (with this little tilt of the head - this may have sustained the love of many...)

& even though we had researched to some degree & beat ourselves up with questions about our parenting style & sought other parents advice & exp. & hub.'s family was often consulted by him - nobody - had any idea....  even the term Sensroy really wasn't on our radar - he was a busy boy - but we were indeed struggling.....

Autism - never for one moment - entered our vocabulary - sure we would review the "Signs" - but it was indeed excluded - by us - "The Experts" - >>>



I am back to the paid work*force 2 months new - & this Blog has been in my heart since the last week of Oct. 2010 ~~ which would present all of the daily.daily life that makes us "Who we are & who we will become" & another passion....>>>>>>

Real Estate - from the home.sellers & purchasers point of view - >>> with some input from the Agents - & both the blog & the Real Estate angle to it - are a from this Novice's Approach - an approach which is def. grey - but to be

a full spectrum of Life - that I can promise!

& here are the Three Best **acutally my entire content - or "other" Blog Posts - which are a part of the Face.Book - I had to share - I had to find a way to journal ~



Tweeter-Dee or Twitter-Dom - it will be one heck of a ride.
Thanks to http://www.todaysparent.com/ for giving me just a little bit of "Ooomph" to push this blog into reality...